25.20.170 Right-of-entry inspections.
Authorized representatives of the Yurok Public Utility District are hereby authorized to make limited, reasonable inspections, at reasonable times, of any grounds, building, or residence served by the Yurok Public Utility District to the extent necessary to insure that customer utility fixtures, lines and equipment are not being operated in a manner that would likely disrupt or interfere with utility services. Except in cases of emergency where life, limb, or property are threatened, or in cases of immediate water shortages or waste of any resources, the Yurok Public Utility District shall give the customer at least 24 hours’ advance notice when requesting permission to enter and inspect. If permission to enter and inspect is denied or impeded in any way, the utility district shall obtain a Tribal Court or other appropriate court order authorizing such entry and inspection. Where the permission to enter and inspect is unreasonably withheld, the utility district may assess court costs and related expenses and add them to the affected customer’s bill. [Ord. 71 § 1418, amended, 1/21/2021; Ord. 66 § 1418, amended, 2/6/2020; Ord. 55 § 1418, adopted, 2/21/2019.]