21.30.100 Restoration, staging area, and stockpile operations.
(a) Reclamation operations may apply for a water quality permit with an exemption for pollutants and mining materials to the extent allowed under Chapter 21.20 YTC, Water Pollution Control, and Chapter 21.25 YTC, Water Quality Control Plan.
(b) The Committee may grant a staging area permit to operations that involve no more than 500 cubic yards of rock, gravel, or other mined material per calendar year. To be eligible for a staging area permit, applicant must meet the following requirements:
(1) Applicant’s staging area permit is in writing on a form acceptable to the Committee;
(2) The operation site meets the definition for a staging area;
(3) The application clearly states the location of the staging area, the amount of material to be moved, and the area to be disturbed;
(4) Applicant maintains records of the activity satisfactory to the Committee which may include invoices, declarations, photographs, surveys, or other documents;
(5) Applicant notifies the Committee in writing within five business days of completing the operation;
(6) Applicant pays all reasonable administrative costs incurred by the Tribe in relation to the operation, including but not limited to review and processing of the application and any monitoring that is determined to be necessary or advisable;
(7) Applicant complies with reasonable hour, day, and season operational restrictions or other conditions on operations under this section when deemed in the best interest of the Tribe by the Committee;
(8) Applicant applies for and obtains a cultural and environmental permit as required by Tribal law; and
(9) Applicant obtains any other permits required by local, state, or federal law.
(c) Stockpile operations shall comply with YTC 21.30.110 permit requirements. [Ord. 27 § 6010, adopted, 6/27/2012.]