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Rule 17. Contempt of Court
This rule is included in your selections.
This section is included in your selections.

Contempt of Court is defined as conduct defying the authority of the Court, offending the dignity of the Court of the Yurok people or interfering with the administration of justice. Examples of such conduct include but are not limited to: failure to comply with any of the rules of Court, failure to abide by an order issued by the Court, perjury, or abusive, inappropriate behavior towards an employee or contractor of the Court. Anyone found to be in contempt of Court pursuant to these rules may be sanctioned by the Court.

(a) If the contempt is before the Court, the Court may either warn or immediately impose sanctions.

(b) If the contempt action did not occur in the presence of the Court, the Court or any party seeking the contempt finding will file a motion for contempt with the Court and notice the other party of the contempt action. Such notice shall proceed pursuant to the rules of Court as to motions. The Court, if not on the Court’s own motion, will review the motion and set a hearing date; must order the presence of the person alleged to have committed the contempt (if not present, then the Court must issue a subpoena requiring the presence of that person, specifying the time, date and place of the hearing); witnesses, and evidence may be presented at that hearing. Should the person alleged fail to comply with the subpoena, the Court shall proceed in their absence and may impose sanctions for failure to comply with the subpoena. [Ord. 81, amended, 1/6/2023; Ord. 63, renumbered, 12/6/2019; Rule mod. dated 8/2018 dated 8/2018; Ord. 48, amended, 1/6/2017; Ord. 26, amended, 4/1/2012; Ord. 19, amended, 10/22/2008. Formerly 2.10.730.]